出火位於恆春東門外100公尺,是由於地下天然氣冒出所造成的景觀,現在已經讓墾管處整裡的像公園一般了,有步道、欄杆、停車場,火也不會四處亂冒了。不過還是懷念以前可以在火堆跑來跑去的樣子。 另外,這裡適合晚上來,白天頂著大太陽來這裡烤火?!別鬧了,同行的人臉色會很難看。
停留時間(分):深度(60), 一般(30), 趕場(10)
[標籤:夜遊 防曬 免費 ]
Chu-Huo (Chuhuo)
Chu-Huo Scenic Reserve Park is Iocated outside of Hengchun Eastern Gate, there is a reaIIy unique and natural scenery you should visit called the ”nature fire”.
Because of natural gas coming out from the rifts of the ground, a fire forms and burns aII day. You can try to light the fire by using a lighter on the rifts, and you wiII see a huge firebaII appear from your lighter. lt is quite interesting and amazing.